The COLOR of REVOLUTION : Orange Revolution in Iran
Orange Revolution is a combination of "civil disobediance" "youth generation" and "pro-western elite in the state apparatus" and extensive use of "internet and cell phone technology" to remove the old elite and bring a fully pro-western elite into power.
Understanding the methods of "Orange Revolution" it seems the insect cartoon against Azeris in Iran in May 2006 was actually a provocation by Mr. Ahamdinejad according to his Pan Turk agenda to bring Azeris on the street and presenting them as an "oppressed minority" in Iran. The Republic of Azerbaijan demanded at the time that Iran stops "Persian Racism" by the Persians in Tehran against Azeris. Just to recall that %70-%80 of Tehranis are Azeri Turks and the whole regime is controlled by Azeri Turks!!!!
Also according to some reports Mr. Ahmadinejad has asked his Pan Turk supporters to drop Aryanism from their agenda if it is appropriate. This is probably due to anticipation that alliance with the royal family may not work and Mr. Ahamdinejad may have to do a sharp turn into pure Pan Turkism.
There are also signs that Turkey is the next target for the Orange Revolution. The following is a description of "orange revolution" methods and techniques.
Orange Revolution Methodology
The model of the orange revolution run by Zbig and Mark Brzezinski in Ukraine is the key to understanding what was attempted in New Hampshire. Methods that the Brzezinskis, the George Soros Open Society Foundation and their helpers at the US National Endowment for Democracy (NED, also known as Project Democracy) have perfected overseas are now being brought home to promote the Brzezinski agenda and continue the line of stolen elections from 2000, 2002, and 2004.
Mob rule, what the Greeks called ochlocracy, is the essence of the color revolution or people power coup. The modern theoretical basis of these mob coups has been provided by the writings of a certain Gene Sharp. In order to carry out a color revolution, large sums of money are required to pay bribes and buy support. Beyond that, the following ingredients are necessary:
1. Media.
It is essential to control the key television channels, or at least one major network. In less developed societies, a well-known radio station might suffice, but here in the US it takes a broadcast network and one or more cable networks, backed up by news magazines, daily newspapers, and various internet sites. These organs must attempt to create a collective hysteria or mania in the whole society in favor of the people power coup. In Iowa and New Hampshire, the media swoon was led by NBC/MSNBC, but included most of the networks, plus Newsweek, the Boston and New York tabloids, and many others. Obama was fawned over by George Will, David Broder, Robert Novak, and many other columnists, including those with markedly right wing profiles.
2. Rent-a-mobs.
This term became widespread during Brzezinski's 1978 overthrow of the Shah of Iran in favor of Ayatollah Khomeini. No self-respecting anti-Shah politician in Teheran could venture outdoors without a numerous rent-a-mob. In Kiev, large numbers of young people camped out in the central square of the city to drive home their demand that the pro-Moscow government be replaced with Brzezinski's pro-NATO puppets, although many of them were too naïve to realize that this was the issue. In more prosperous countries, such as the US, the dupe-a-mob offers a more economical equivalent. In any case, the mobs must be big enough to be shown on television, thus creating the illusion that the coup leader is riding a wave of overwhelming popular support and truly represents the Collective Will in Rousseau's sense. The large crowds of well-meaning but ignorant and poorly informed young people who stood in long lines outside Obama's events on the Sunday and Monday before the New Hampshire primary are examples of such dupe-a-mobs. One modish technical term for these procedures is swarming, but the idea is as old as the mob itself. As Bill Engdahl has noted, "The Pentagon and US intelligence have refined the art of such soft coups to a fine level. RAND planners call it 'swarming,' referring to the swarms of youth, typically linked by short message services and weblogs, who can be mobilized on command to destabilize a target regime."
3. Symbols and slogans.
Ukraine had the orange revolution; Georgia had the rose revolution. The Prague velvet revolution was an earlier pilot project for the same thing. The cedars revolution in Lebanon did not fare so well; here the groups of well-heeled and privileged young people could not match the actual organized power of the Hezbollah mass base. A similar attempt in Byelorussia also collapsed in failure. Jeans, tulips, the colors blue and purple, and even bulldozers have been mobilized as mindless symbols. In addition to the catchy color or symbol, an effective slogan is also required. In Belgrade, at the start of the current series, that was "Gotov je" "he is finished," meaning that Milosevic had to go. Other slogans have included "It's enough" and "It's time!" For Obama, the solution in this regard was "Change We Can Believe in."
4. Fake polling.
Since the color revolution usually takes place under the cover of an election, faked polling for mass manipulation purposes is indispensable. In Ukraine, the pro-Moscow candidate Yanukovich was declared the winner by the official government vote count, but the rent-a-mobs and dupe-a-mobs in the streets began yelling that this was vote fraud. How could they prove it? Project Democracy had thought of everything: the polling firm of Penn, Schoen and Berland Associates was on the scene, and had carried out an exit poll of voters leaving the polling places. The results of this faked and doctored exit poll, a masterpiece of NATO intelligence, were the basis of the accusation of vote fraud, which was then endorsed by international observers from the European Union, the NED, and the Helsinki CSCE watchdog groups. Who was Brzezinski's pollster? It was none other than Mark Penn, currently the much-hated boss of the entire Hillary Clinton campaign, for which he is top strategist and top pollster at the same time. There are many indications that Mark Penn, the former partner of Clinton's Svengali Dick Morris, is not really interested in Mrs. Clinton's victory, but is rather dancing to the tune of the Brzezinski machine. Mark Penn's probable role will be described shortly.
5. A suitable demagogue.
In Serbia and Georgia, these were young and attractive oligarchical politicians, often western trained, and always on the make. In Ukraine, the coup candidate was Yushchenko, something of a tired retread and therefore not entirely plausible for the purpose at hand. To drum up sympathy for Yushchenko, he was apparently submitted to some form of disfiguring chemical or biological attack, and this was blamed on the Russians. Demagogue in chief is the role assigned to Obama, an ambitious and unprincipled politician who had been thoroughly vetted by the Soros apparatus, in addition to being groomed by the Brzezinskis.
The net effect of these elements, orchestrated together in ruthlessly coordinated fashion, is to create an atmosphere of mob hysteria which can grip an entire nation, or at least the capital and certain other selected areas, and when amplified by controlled media for long enough can bring down a government and replace it with the protagonists of the coup. In this case, the various components of the coup were designed to converge on Monday, January 7, and on Tuesday, January 8, primary election day in New Hampshire.
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Orthodox church has much apology to make in Western World: protocommunist massacres by Palamite Zealotes under Hesychast hyperventilatory halucinations, Cantacuzene taxation driving farmers to embrace Turks, Komyakoviac Obshchina giving birth to soviet communism as reactionary casuistry opposing Napoleon's defeudalization, Cosmus Aitalius being patron originator of of modern genocide as seen by the massacre of Turks in Crete by Venizelos. And their hypnotic brainwashing incantations are designed to make theirf locks into terrorists. Is all masochistic because reject Original Sin.
Does anybody know why the Soros-like people had chosen initially the orange color for their money-made "revolutions"?
In Hungary where I live, Soros has created the main Hungarian "progressive" party, the FIDESZ party which is also called the "orange" party since it is symbolised by an orange; interestingly enough, nobody never explained why the orange was chosen to symbolise this party while neither the orange color nor the orange fruit have anything to do with Hungarian national or cultural symbolism.
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